Week 11
3/19-3/23 Classroom Confidential Chapter 6 gave some great ideas for writing that I can see myself using. I especially liked the idea to utilize read aloud to enforce writing. I often thought of a read aloud being mainly helpful for students to hear my expression in my voice being modeled and hear the vocabulary. However, it makes so much sense to use a read aloud for writing discussion. I plan to use this strategy in the future to have students see certain aspects of writing, such as how an author picks certain words and his purpose for writing. I also really liked the self-praise activity for my group of students. Sometimes the class struggles with confidence in their work. I think it would be great for them to go through their writing and assess their work to find something they think they did well to boost their confidence. The more confident they become in their work, I think that their writing will become better as well. What Happened T...